Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Headbands, Hats and Hair Loss

First I must offer my apologies for any misunderstandings I may have caused with my initial hair loss post.

While I have lost a significant amount of my hair (at least 60%) I am not bald yet.

The loss of my hair has been extremely emotional for me and not something that I was truly prepared for. (I am not sure how anyone could actually prepare for losing their hair)

In the last few weeks, I have been experimenting with my new normal and trying to find what will work for me
I have tried...

and Hats (of several varieties)
and I will be honest that my favorite so far has been the ones that I have received from loved ones as gifts or as a matching set (they have the same one as me).

Yet I haven't found "the One" yet. and I haven't taken the plunge to shave my head yet (though the time is fast approaching)

And as I ponder what is holding me back I know its because this is hard.

Because nothing is making this change easy. No hat or headband makes you feel as pretty or lovely as your long hair did.
No style or color accents an outfit or a mood the same as a hair style and nothing feels as permanent as the moment right now.

Its the last strands of normalcy before the world will know I am battling cancer.

But with battles come victory and with victory there is hope.

So I will hold to the Hope that is promised and seek joy each day in every moment.

May your days too be filled with joyful moments