After completing the house projects (finishing the living room, painting the master bathroom, and the weekly house cleaning, the girls, Pa and Madison's 2 friends Erin and Heather headed to the zoo for an afternoon visit and a picnic.
The girls enjoyed a ride on the carousel...
Aunt Niki's ellie's- Sophie and Zahara
the 12:30 dolphin show: the older girls enjoyed sitting in the SPLASH zone where they were lightly sprayed by China the dolphin. Pa, Lillian and I enjoyed sitting a safer distance away from the water.
Lillian loved the big "fishy"
Lillian even enjoyed clapping (a new trick for her)
The lemurs were fun to see as we walked to the picnic area for lunch
After lunch (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the girls, ham and cheese for Pa and I, Doritos, jello cups,grapes and kool aide), the older girls enjoyed a bit of play at the playground and Lillian chilled with her new sippy cup in the buggy.
We were quickly off again (not without a sister kiss)
to see the Gibbons (he likes to eat mulch)
the red panda for Nana
and "Speak no evil" the walrus for Mommy
Finally it was time to pet the sharks
before our final stop at the the seal lion- who was sun bathing.
It was another great day at the zoo and an awesome time with friends.