This time... new flooring in the living room.
Good-bye yucky,carpet. Hello laminate floors.
First- Demo of the old floors, lots and lots of dust.
Pa and Rob tore up the old carpet while I rolled and bagged it up for trash collection.
Foreman Lilli supervised from her "post",
That is unless she was on a "milk" break.
After the carpet was up it was time to rip up the padding- luckily it was not glued down!
This too had to be bagged for trash collection.
The next step-lay the moisture layer (Madison was a big help with fluffing the sheets up) and padding.
With the demo complete, the moisture barrier and pad laid it was time for the real fun to begin.
Progress was slow but well worth the time and effort.
It was rather fun to tap each plank in and to see the floor come together.
Rob did an awesome job measuring all of the boards for a perfect fit.
Just 9 hours from when we began (including a break for lunch and dinner), the floors were finished.
It was an additional 4 hours on Sunday to put the finishing touches on our new living room-laying the quarter round,painting and caulking the trim, placing and rearranging the furniture, cleaning up the fire hazard of cables behind the TV, and giving it all a good clean!
In the end, the hours, effort and sore muscles were well worth the final results.