But that is exactly how Lillian spent her first birthday. With a fever of 104F her one comfort came from her tube of toothpaste.
With cuddle and monkey always in reach, sick Lilli spent Saturday alternating snuggling with Mommy and Daddy and sleeping (sometimes wherever she was... like her highchair)
Camera-woman Nana,Pa
Big Sister Madison, and Lillian's godparents Niki and Kevin
joined us Sunday for a mini birthday celebration.
30 minutes after the guests arrived and Lillian's Motrin had finally kicked in (her fever was still 104F) it was time to open presents.
A new bath book (Rainbow Fish) from Madi
Clothes from Great Aunt Sue and Uncle Fred, Omi and Opi, Aunt Niki and Uncle Kevin
A new cup (that she can actually drink out of) from Daddy
Stacking tower cups from Aunt Beffie and Uncle Sean (plus her super duper Pampers diapers)
And finally...
A pink swing for the swing set from Poppy.
Thank you for all of the great and thoughtful gifts. Each one is very special to us and will be loved dearly.
Then it was time for cake!
It would not be Lillian's birthday without a cake for her Lioness (vanilla cake/cupcakes with cream cheese frosting (yellow food coloring),a Reese's Pieces mane, chocolate coin ears, nestle crunch eggs for eyes, milk dud nose, and an M&M mouth) including a mini cupcake just for her.
Lillian's version of "make a wish" was to try to touch the candle flame. Mommy helped her blow it out.
Her first bite...
"Hey, this is great!"
It was definitely a memorable birthday!