This year we decided to drive through the night, so with the car loaded we left straight after church on Sunday the 20th and arrived at Aunt Sue's house Monday morning.
Tuesday, after having lunch with Papi in Plant City, we drove the remaining 2.5 hours to Bonita for a visit with Grammie and Grampie. Uncle Caleb and Susanne had also driven down for the holiday.
Lillian loved visiting with Great-Grandpa. She went right to him for a cuddle.
Madison was a great helper in the kitchen, helping Aunt Abby and Mr. Eric prepare the mashed potatoes for Christmas Eve dinner.
At Grammie's house, anything goes.... including walking around with her Binky and Mo, all the time.
Listening to a few pages of the Sisters Grimm before the family arrived for dinner.
Christmas Eve with Grampie Bob's family- the Nichols is always a treat. Grandma and Grandpa Nichols, along with Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Bill, Clayton, Ben, William, and Uncle Cole joined us for the celebration.
We moved the dining table and coffee table out on to the back patio to make space for the two 8ft tables. Seating 24 proved to be a bit challenging but not impossible.
After dinner, gifts were exchanged before the real excitement began.
Christmas of the Flu - everyone got sick.
Of the 24 people in attendance that evening, 15 caught the bug. There was a 63% chance of catching the flu.
It definitely was a memorable Christmas.