I had a fab birthday this year.
Shopping in the morning with my Mum and sister (Black Friday sales), lunch at Applebees together, a leisurely afternoon nap, and dinner at Sweet Home Chicago with family and friends.
My friend Niki (and her husband Kevin) joined us for the celebration.
It was awesome to spend my birthday with my sister and her husband Sean (a perk of spending Thanksgiving in Indiana together)
After dinner, we shared a Dairy Queen ice cream cake for pudding.
Lillian LOVED the pink icing.

She even had to have her own spoon.


When will Mommy get a bite of her own birthday cake?

After dinner, Beth and Sean, Niki and Kevin, and Rob and I went to the local bowling alley for a few games.

As always, Kevin had a great game- he was the only one to break 200.

Beth had a few good frames too.

Sean didn't do too bad either.
Final scores!
There is no better way to have spent a birthday!