Sunday, October 12, 2008

Warwick Castle

Did you know there are actually 2 Warwick Castles in England?
There is Warwick Castle (the actual castle) near Stratford upon Avon and there is Warwick Castle (the hotel in London).

I know this information because we actually visited both this past weekend.

As typical Sparkman fashion, we decided at 11:30 Saturday morning to head to Warwick for an afternoon of family fun. We quickly ate lunch, threw our stuff together and jumped into the company car for our adventure. Rob programed Warwick Castle into the GPS and off we went. Set arrival time- 40 minutes after departure. 30 minutes later we began to wonder if we were going the right way but continued on. Just 47 minutes after leaving the flat we arrived at Warwick Castle- the hotel. We all had a good laugh, re-programed the GPS for the correct Warwick Castle and then headed back on the road.

We arrived at Warwick Castle only to find that it was closing in a half hour. We drove around the area before heading back to the flat.

Sunday morning we went to church and and then began our adventures again.

This time we programed in the correct Warwick Castle the first time and headed on our way. An hour and a half later, armed with our buy one get one free vouchers we headed toward the gates of the castle.

We enjoyed exploring the grounds of Warwick,

walking the perimeter of the castle

looking at the artifacts of the time period

climbing the towers

We even saw the firing of the trebuchet (meaning to throw over) on River Island.

The life-like statues and scenery

and figurines

created an authentic feel for what the castle was like long ago in the 1400's.

It was a great day together!