During this journey, there are many things that are out of my control and for those that know me well can understand the added struggle and sometimes distress that this may cause.
On my healthy days, the lack of control and stress would result in the rearrangement of the furniture in my home (the number of rooms determined by the amount of stress). but during this season of healing my days of whole rearrangement are on hold or at least toned down.
This weekend I re-arranged the mantle- out with the snowmen (its February and the weekend temperatures were in the high 50's) and was determined to have a Valentine theme in its place.
This proved to be slightly challenging as I did not think I owned any Valentine decorations (at least not a specific box labeled Valentine decorations in the attic) and I was running on low energy and limited on exposure to germs.
So I hunted the house, day dreamed in my chair and slowly the mantle transformed.
There was just one thing missing.... and my mini adventure to Hobby Lobby resulted in the perfect piece- a sign (left edge) with the scripted words Live LOVE Sparkle
Upon arriving home I carefully arranged the pieces and stepped back to admire my display.
Another moment of Joy for my day and my journey
I will admit that mantle re-decoration does not quite give the same satisfaction and stress relief as furniture rearranging but for now it will have to do.
May you too find an alternative Joyful moment