We doubled up for church with serving at the 9am and worshipping at the 11. I love the west campus and how God is using the people of our community to bring Light to the west side. Its a blessing and privilege to put on my Kids Ministry shirt each week and wiggle with my preschoolers.
Daddy was drumming so lunch needed to be quick and easy - we were hungry
Arbys was the weekend choice
Part way through lunch Cooper asked what time it was.
I answered, 1:47.
He said, great I will nibble slower so I can get a milkshake :) and he did.
He used his rock money to buy his own- and nearly drank every last drop
Sneeking a quick Momma kiss
Then it was home to rest. Sundays is a long and exhausting day for this Momma and I can often be found in my Momma chair in the afternoon.
Look who joined me.
Best Sunday ever :)