Monday, July 20, 2009

Game Night at the Sparkman's

One of the things we started after returning from the UK was a monthly game night. We gather with 2 other couples every month and share a meal and an evening of games. We rotate the different houses and the games that we play. It is so much fun.

This months game night was hosted at our house and the menu was MAKE YOUR OWN PIZZA!
Each couple was given a pile of dough to kneed and cover with toppings. It was quite a hit.
Rob went for the meat and jalapenos and I stuck with my typical Hawaiian with extra extra cheese.

Ron enjoyed ALL the toppings, while Janet preferred ham, pineapple and black olives.

Niki and Kevin sampled a bit of everything including: spicy sausage, pepperoni, green peppers, onions, ham, pineapple, black olives and jalapenos.

Madison also had a great time creating her pizza.

She was quite meticulous in spreading out her dough and adding her toppings (ham, pineapple, and pepperoni plus extra cheese)

The proud chef!

Can't wait until next month!